Monday, March 23, 2009

Please pray...again.

I feel like I have been a bad little blogger but I come to you all once again asking that you pray. This time for my little sister. (yes she is taller than me and a mother of 3 but she will always be my "little" sister).
My Mom is on her way to my sister house. She was complaining of a head ache yesterday. Since then she has started to run a fever (currently at 103) and is unable to get off of her couch due to sever body pain. She said it hurt every place. Once my mom gets there she is going to attempt to get her to the hospital. (They may be calling an ambulance). He children are with their father and safe.
I am just worried by how fast this came on. And the "tone" of my mothers voice tells me she is shaken to her are always your mom's baby. I ask that you please say a quick one for my sister and my mother. Lord knows she doesn't need any more stress! Thank you all !!!

Heavenly Father, I come to you for comfort during this anxious time. I ask that you be with and heal my sister Laura. Please be with the medical staff and help them to aid in her quick healing. I also pray Lord that you be with my Mom. Please remind her to "breath" and take it easy. Also thank you for these amazing people I have been able to call on to pray with me. God is good!"

1 comment:

In With the Light said...

Scary! Almost sounds like meningitis! That can be very quick and flu-like. Keep us updated!