Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Look at my pick me up!

Look what my awesome mom sent me to brighten my day!

I don't know if you can see what the card says.....

Well, they weren't Just Because she loves me. She knew today was going to a difficult one. One year ago today we had to put our dog Mugsy down. I use the word dog but I mean our son because that is what he was to us.

Thanks Mom for understanding and being there you made today brighter.

I'll close with a photo of our little guy Mugsy Malone.

We Miss you SO much!

One last thing: I promise I'll get that wreath done and post pics soon.


The George Family said...

How sweet is your momma! Love it! Hope you had a great day :)

Sassafras said...

what a sweet mama. :)

Saskia said...

How lovely to receive such a thoughtful gift. It's so hard to say goodbye to our loved ones, furry and non-furry. I still think, and get upset, about Simba the rabbit often.

I hope you've had a good week.

Saskia x