Thursday, March 26, 2009

I don't wann a be a grown up today!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just DO NOT want to be a grown up? I am sure some of you are going to say YES!! EVERYDAY!!
Well, that's not me. Normally I love being the responsible adult that I am. I have no problem going to work, being a wife and taking care of the hubbster and fur babies. And running around doing a million things at once.
Today, not so much! I made it to work, and was surprisingly productive. The problem now resides with the mile long TO-DO list I have waiting for me when I get home. I kept trying to figure out what I could put off just to have some down time. Then it dawned on me! Only grown ups worry about what they can get away with not doing. Non-grown ups worry about what they can get away with doing. (Does that make sense????)
So here is my plan Stan, and all of you peeps out there not named Stan:
I am going to do the absolute bare minimum tonight. I will be making two very quick stops on the way home, feeding and walking my fur babies and then sitting my tush on the couch with left over Bucca Di Peppo form last night (yum) and watching some mindless T.V.
I had my morning session with the trainer this morning at 6 and he worked me hard enough that I don't even feel bad for eating pasta two nights in a row.
Just a question: Who would see a set of stair and a medicine ball and say "hey I think I'll make Jenn run up and down those with this over her head!" He is not right in the dome!! But I love him any ways!
Hope you all find a small way to be a non-grown up tonight!

1 comment:

Saskia said...

I loved this!! It's so true that children wonder what they can get away with & we wonder what we can get away not doing!

Have a great weekend x