Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good for the soul

This weekend was one of those weekends that are good for the soul.

Kevin and I try to have a date night once a week. Typically it's on Friday night. It is a great time out from our busy schedules to reconnect and it's a fun way to kick off our weekend. We have been trying new restaurants around the Columbus area as often as possible. This Friday we went to Cap City Diner. It's a referred to as a "Fine Diner". Essentially they serve all of your typical diner type food but with an upscale twist.
Kevin got this massive meatloaf. It was so good and the serving size was so big he ate if for lunch the next day.
I had scoped out the desserts menu prior to going and this yummy chocolate peanut butter dish was the highlight of my dining experiance!

Over all the food and atmosphere were unique and it made for a wonderful date night.

Saturday after I recovered from my early morning dentist appointment (Nothing major I just really freak out over going to the dentist.) we headed off to Home Depot to pick out the majority of items for our bathroom remodel. Then it was off to Target to pick up a few necessities for our up coming trip to Hilton Head. More on that later.

Today has been one of those glorious days were you never get out of you p.js! We have spent the entire day watching movies, doing laundry, taking naps and just having some Q.T. In fact I just got out of a warm bath in which I have now traded one set of p.js for another.

A successful date night, planning an upgrade to our home and then a lazy Sunday was exactly what we needed to recharge for the week ahead, it was good for the soul!

Hope you all had a chance to take a time out with those you love! Now to get ready for the work week.....Mondays just come too soon!

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