Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Celebration with family and friends.

Hi my friends! What a nice weekend this has been. My mom and God mom came down for a visit and to celebrate my birthday (which is Wednesday) we like to stretch out the b-day celebrations in my family. We started off Saturday with some shopping for new bedroom linens. I have decided I want to redo our bedroom in Chocolate brown and robins eggs blue (well a little darker than robins egg blue but you get the idea). And Mom and Carolyn were awesome and decided to purchase the bed linens for my birthday to get me started. I got an amazing blue comforter (for lack of a better word) chocolate brown and mocha colored pillows. The fabric is AWESOME and I can't wait to get the project started! I'll share pics when it done.

My mom is on the left and God mom on the right.

We met up with two of our favorite people for dinner Jody and Jason at Gordan Biersh. It was a wonderful time. I had made the request that there not be any birthday singing at the restaurant. Well I learned that if you make that request of my mom you don't get sang to get sang to twice! At least one time they brought me cake!

These two little love birds are getting married in May.

Today was pretty low key. I made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then it was off to my favorite grocery store, Whole Foods. After a yummy lunch at whole foods the "moms" had to take off. I was sad to see them go. I love when they come to visit and it seems like it always goes too fast.

I am happy to report that since my last post "Ouch" I have not missed a single day at the gym and surpassed my goal of a 3 lb weight loss this week. I lost 4.5lbs!! WWWOOOHHOOO!! I know that is a bit more than the recommended "safe" amount but it was the boost that I needed.

Well I am off to indulge in some mindless television and relaxation before the big bad Monday. Hugs to you all and have a great start to your work week!